17th Judicial Circuit Court - Foreclosure Mediation

Welcome. We're here to help!

The Residential Foreclosure Mediation Program is a court alternative dispute resolution program that provides a process to help borrowers and lenders communicate and explore options available to homeowners facing foreclosure.

Mediation is a process where a neutral third-party (a trained mediator) helps borrowers and lenders communicate to explore options available to a homeowner.

While not every mediation resolves the foreclosure, the process can give homeowners an opportunity to speak directly with a representative of their lending institution and may generate options for resolving the foreclosure, including possible loan modification and other available options.

If you have been served a residential mortgage foreclosure complaint, which could cause you to lose your home, in a case filed on or after June 1, 2014 in Winnebago County, or in a case filed on or after November 1, 2014 in Boone County, the Foreclosure Mediation Program may be available to assist you. You must submit a completed application found below within 21 days of being served a complaint to be eligible for the Program.

Get Started. Once you’ve created a profile and completed an application, the program will contact you about your next steps. If you require assisance call (815) 319-4995 to speak with a represenative from the program.

*WARNING- ILForeclosureProgram.org is the OFFICIAL website for the 17th Judicial Circuit of Illinois’ Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Program. Program services are provided by court staff and trained mediators. The Program is supported by funding from the Circuit Court through filing fees, and is provided FREE of cost. If you feel you have become a victim of mortgage assistance fraud, you may contact Illinois Department of Financial Professional Regulation’s Mortgage Fraud Task Force at 1-800-532-8785.
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