17th Judicial Circuit Court - Foreclosure Mediation

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To take advantage of the 17th Judicial Circuit of Illinois’ Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Program, you’ll need to create a profile. Please complete the information below. Your privacy is important to us! Please be aware that information shared on this site is confidential and will only be shared with the Foreclosure Mediation Program. In accordance with additional disclosures, some non-identifying information may be shared with program funders.
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If your lender is not listed, click here

Please enter in a 3 digit number
Next Step: Application
Once your profile information is complete, you'll need to complete the seven-step online application for assistance. It is necessary to complete all steps and submit the application within 21 days of when you were served with a foreclosure summons and complaint. Each step contains critical information we will need to be able to help you. 

This application will take approximately 45 minutes, and you may save in between steps. 

Please call  (815) 319-4995 if you require language or other assistance in completing this application.

Online Application process:
  • Step 1: Homeowner Information
  • Step 2: Contact Information
  • Step 3: Property Information
  • Step 4: Lender Information
  • Step 5: Financial Worksheet
  • Step 6: Hardship Letter
  • Step 7: Other Required Documents
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